Clicking Back: Preventing and Addressing Hate Speech Online
Date & Time
Thursday, November 29, 2018, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Simon Clark - Center for America Progress
Alex Feerst - Medium
Matt Motyl - New York University & University of Illinois at Chicago
Courtney Radsch - Committee to Protect Journalists
Liz Woolery - Center for Democracy & Technology
Emily Blout - University of Virginia
Alex Feerst - Medium
Matt Motyl - New York University & University of Illinois at Chicago
Courtney Radsch - Committee to Protect Journalists
Liz Woolery - Center for Democracy & Technology
Emily Blout - University of Virginia

As platforms struggle to answer the ongoing questions of how to address hate online, a developed understanding of the social, political, and community influences that drive bad behavior can help us in designing stronger, more diverse online spaces. Here, academics and practitioners will dive into the roots of online trolling, misinformation, and hate as well as the opportunities to overcome echo chambers that perpetuate tribalism.
Session Type
Breakout Session