Full Name
Camilo Perez-Bustillo
Job Title
Director of Research, Advocacy and Leadership Development
Hope Border Institute
Speaker Bio
Camilo Perez-Bustillo is Director of Research, Advocacy, and Leadership Development at Hope Border Institute/Instituto Fronterizo Esperanza (hopeborder.org) in El Paso, Texas, an adjunct professor of human rights at the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP). He is also a Fellow of the Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP, www.crop.org), a project of UNESCO's International Social Science Council which is based at the University of Bergen in Norway, research associate with FLACSO's program on Migration and Poverty in Guatemala City, and was previously inaugural director of the Human Rights Center at the University of Dayton (UD) and Research Professor of Human Rights at UD's Law School, and visiting professor at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, where he coordinated the U.S-Mexico Border Human Rights Documentation Project. He was based in Mexico City as a human rights scholar and advocate for 17 years between 1993 and 2013, and was the first Latino/a named to the endowed W. Haywood Burns Memorial Chair in Civil Rights Law at the City University of New York (CUNY) Law School in 2002-2003, Director of Immigrant and Refugee Rights at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and co-founder and Director of National Advocacy with Multicultural Education, Training and Advocacy (META. Inc.), based in Massachusetts and California. He is co-author with Karla Hernández Mares of Human Rights, Hegemony and Utopia in Latin America: Poverty, Forced Migration, and Resistance in Mexico and Colombia (Brill 2016/Haymarket Books 2017) and with Willem van Genugten of The Poverty of Rights: Human Rights and the Eradication of Poverty (Zed Books 2001). He has both U.S and Colombian nationality and his family lives in Mexico City.
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